This morning we dropped Tait off with Aunt Fleenie and Uncle Bill at 6:45am. They were going to take him to the airport to fly home and spend a week with Dad and Creighton. It has been so fun to have him with us. The time with Tait has flown by so fast.
After we said goodbye to Tait, we met up with Uncle Danny, Aunt Debby, Austin and Noel to tour the Air Force Academy. We were there before it opened so we threw a frisbee around and played cards while we waited. Austin saw an earless rabbit (a prairie dog). After we perused the sites, we said goodbye to the Crocetti's.
We went to Chipotle's for lunch(which was very yummy), then we met up with Aunt Gina and Uncle Ken. We car pooled with them in their red rental car and went to the US Olympic Training Center. There were a lot of athletic looking people walking around.
After we finished the tour there, we weren't sure where to go next. We drove around the Garden of the Gods and went in the trading post there. We found some fun sunglasses in there with mustaches.
Then we saw the Cave Dwellings and Manitou Museum. My favorite part about the cave dwellings was that everything was my height. The rooms and walkways and everything was very small and cozy. I liked that. In the museum, one of the cool exhibits was all about the history of the cave dwellings as a tourist site. They had postcards from a hundred years ago.
Aunt Gina is my mom's little sister. I'm not sure why, but somehow whenever Aunt Gina and I are both around my name becomes Gina to mom (not on purpose). I've gotten used to responding to the name when we're with them now because it's so consistent. We had a lot of fun today.
This evening for dinner we went to "My Big Fat Greek Restaurant" with Aunt Gina, Uncle Ken, and Aunt Maria. We had so much fun! The food was delicious and the waitress was sweet and friendly. At one point a few of the waitresses did a Greek dance all around the restaurant and there was a guy who blew fire out of his mouth a few feet from our table, then at the end of the dance they broke a plate and yelled "Opa!". We sat at the table and talked and laughed for 2 hours. It was a lovely eveni
Hi Deems! Good to read about your travels! :)