Sunday, April 28, 2013

A question for you:

Drew and I were looking at this sign and we thought of four different pronunciations this "word" could be interpreted. What do you think the word underneath the "Pro Nails" sign should sound like?


  1. It kinda looks like: "GO TIK'S", which is ovbiously supposed to mean: "Go tick's". Meaning that they sell nails that (apperantly) are pro, and ticks. I am %60 sure on this.

    1. Ooo. We didn't think of that one. It may be hard to tell in the tiny picture I took, but the second letter is an L, not a T. It would be super convenient if this were Fody's comment and it was a T, because you know how fond I am of that particular insect... But it might not be Fody. In which case I'm guessing this is Mat(t)hew Vorgang because he likes to be mysterious. However, I know Tait likes to use percentages when he talks so it might be Tait...but I don't know if he even reads my blog and there a re probably lots of people who like using percentages when they talk. Or it could be Dylan because "Go Ticks" sound like they could be mechanical/robot ticks and Dylan would know or think of something like that...but this comment doesn't actually say anything about robot ticks so that could be totally coincidental. Anyways...whoever commented took the time to think of an answer and that made us happy :) Thank You :)
